da KEN getz randomly seriouz

or duz he…u decide 8)

Lee says:
So what are you gonna do?
Lee says:
Come on, man, tell me something. Anything. Anything you want to know about me?
Lee says:
I’ll tel lyou anything
Lee says:
just ask
Lisa says:
Lisa says:
enter leedz comp
Lisa says:
Lisa says:
n hav a wikid career
Lee says:
How does that help you though?
Lee says:
There are just too many things I can’t understand. You’re obviously not a dumbass, but here i am willing to help you and you’re shunning me out.
Lisa says:
Lisa says:
how wud u help moi?
Lisa says:
Lisa says:
Lee says:
There’s another thing I don’t understand. You ask how I can help, but you’ve only barely told me what the problem is. Think about how hard it’s be for a doctor to operate on someone if they came into the clinic and said my head hurts.
Lisa says:
hahaha wtf
Lisa says:
wtf iz diz convo about
Lee says:
There are things in life that you just can’t talk about to other people in person. sometimes the best advice comes from a person that you can’t see…
Lisa says:
Lee says:
The reason I’m asking is because a while ago I was suicidal to the max. I had huge problems with school, friends, drugs, a pregnant girlfriend, and dealing with a passing mom
Lisa says:
hahahahahahaha fuck
Lee says:
A lot of the people I know in person shy away from talking about that. the only person i could talk to was someone i met online. so its not like im trying to be nosey or anything, its just i know what its like to have nobody to listen.
Lisa says:
pretty random
Lee says:
So yea, its cool if you dont want to talk, but always know that even the most psycho people have the time to get serious about shit that really matters.
Lisa says:
Lisa says:
u seem quite insane
Lee says:
You may say that, but atleast now you know something about me. I’ve seen things you can’t even imagine, I’m 19 years old and I’ve been to 11 funerals. No one can tell me that I’ve had it easy
Lee says:
Trust me, the only thing that makes my psycho is thinking about life.
Lisa says:
Lisa says:
random seriouznezz
Lisa says:
or iz it
Lee says:
People don’t usually bullshit about stuff like this, but yea. I wish I could show you the stab wound in my shoulder that my brother gave me two years ago. I don’t know if he’s living on his own, selling chron, or dead. Great family, eh?
Lisa says:
Lee says:
yea…pretty fucked. All I need to do is look at the scar to remember that the past was real.
Lee says:
Anyway, I’ll fuck off. I really hope you’ll find yourself in school/work somewhere soon. Cause you don’t want your parents to have to spend their retirement money supporting you…
Lee says:
Lee says:
HAhaha, random update. My girlfriend broke up with me today.
Lisa says:
hahahaha icicic
Lisa says:
shez a fool
Lisa says:
u r hot, sexy
Lisa says:
Lisa says:
i wanna bone u
Lee says:
Not really a fool, im one of those guys that like to have very frequent, and very casual friendship sex with MANY other people
Lee says:
So yea. it was just a matter of time
Lee says:
Lee says:
Lee says:

Why’d you leave out the part about you dropping out of school at 13, being disgnosed with Asperger Syndrome, and living solely under the support of your aging parents? Ah that’s right, “your-bad-self” is ashamed (and rightfully so) that you’ll never have a job or family, or live a normal life in general. Anway, I have to practice for a lesson today, so I can have piano teaching as a fall back plan if things go bad in the business world. What are you practicing for? Ways of getting government cheques/charity? Sounds right, you enjoy your life and I’ll enjoy mine.

k-nar says:
diz iz da rudy perzonal tunah
revenge of da rud says:
handpicked by da lugy

hahahahahhah, iz dis tru?

hahaha a fuck off

mah-bad-self knoz many who hav Asperger n r just livin a normal life

i hav, in fact, 2 friends wit Asperger syndrome n dey r quite normal mofo’s

hahahahaha da half of da fuckin world has Asperger syndrome
dere are wikid theories dat da ZART n da OVEN also suffered from asperger

asperger denotes no sheeyat

da temp n tension iz risin

i’m intriged 8)

Hahaha, remember last nite?

Well, I just came to tell you that I have AIDS.

hahahaha da comme … u should go bak to school mofo

Asperger Syndrome or (Asperger’s Disorder) is a neurobiological disorder named for a Viennese physician, Hans Asperger, who in 1944 published a paper which described a pattern of behaviors in several young boys who had normal intelligence and language development, but who also exhibited autistic-like behaviors and marked deficiencies in social and communication skills. In spite of the publication of his paper in the 1940’s, it wasn’t until 1994 that Asperger Syndrome was added to the DSM IV and only in the past few years has AS been recognized by professionals and parents.

Individuals with AS can exhibit a variety of characteristics and the disorder can range from mild to severe. Persons with AS show marked deficiencies in social skills, have difficulties with transitions or changes and prefer sameness. They often have obsessive routines and may be preoccupied with a particular subject of interest. They have a great deal of difficulty reading nonverbal cues (body language) and very often the individual with AS has difficulty determining proper body space. Often overly sensitive to sounds, tastes, smells, and sights, the person with AS may prefer soft clothing, certain foods, and be bothered by sounds or lights no one else seems to hear or see. It’s important to remember that the person with AS perceives the world very differently. Therefore, many behaviors that seem odd or unusual are due to those neurological differences and not the result of intentional rudeness or bad behavior, and most certainly not the result of “improper parenting”.

By definition, those with AS have a normal IQ and many individuals (although not all), exhibit exceptional skill or talent in a specific area. Because of their high degree of functionality and their naiveté, those with AS are often viewed as eccentric or odd and can easily become victims of teasing and bullying. While language development seems, on the surface, normal, individuals with AS often have deficits in pragmatics and prosody. Vocabularies may be extraordinarily rich and some children sound like “little professors.” However, persons with AS can be extremely literal and have difficulty using language in a social context

Aspergerin oireyhtymä


Aspergerin oireyhtymä on neurologinen vamma, joka diagnosoidaan käyttäytymisen perusteella.

Oireyhtymälle ominaisia piirteitä ovat väritön ja tunteeton puhe, itselleen puhuminen, ajattelun konkreettisuus ja kömpelyys sekä sensorisia ongelmia. Aistitoimintojen vireystila voi olla liian korkea tai matala. Myös aistitoimintojen säröisyys voi haitata.

Oireistoon liittyy vaikeus solmia sosiaalisia kontakteja. Stereotyyppiset käyttäytymismallit ovat tyypillisiä, samoin erikoiset motoriset ja kehon maneerit.

Oireyhtymään saattaa kuulua lievä psyykkinen kehitysvammaisuus.

AS-lapset voivat kuntoutua tavallista elämää viettäviksi kansalaisiksi ja sijoittua aikuisina normaaleihin ammatteihin. Oireyhtymä on yksi autismin lievimmistä muodoista. Jacquelyn Bertrand kumppaneineen (2001) raportoi autisminkirjon häiriötilojen esiintyvyydestä USA:n New Jerseyn Brick Townshipissä. Esiintymistiheys oli 6,7/1.000 3-10-vuotiasta lasta kohti. v. 1998. Kaikki diagnostiset kriteerit täyttäneitä oli 0,4 % ikäryhmästä.

Häiriötila on joskus yhdistetty virheellisesti lapsuudessa puhkeavaan skitsofreniaan.

Oireyhtymän kuvasi ensimmäisenä saksalainen Hans Asperger v. 1944. Cassandra L. Kniffinin keväällä 2004 laaditussa OMIM-tietokannan kirjoituksessa (ASPERGER SYNDROME, SUSCEPTIBILITY TO, 1) mainittiin, että AS-vammaisten perimäaineksen virheitä oli löydetty 3. kromosomin alueella 3q25-q27 (ASPG1-geeni), 17. kromosomin alueelta 17p13 (ASPG2-geeni) ja 1. kromosomin alueelta 1q21-q22 (ASPG3-geeni). Lisäksi kaksi X-kromosomiin kytkeytynyttä muotoa, geenialueen Xq13 (ASPGX1-geeni) ja geenialueen Xp22.33 (ASPGX2-geeni), olivat kytkeytyneet NLGN3- ja NLGN4-geenien mutaatioihin. NLGN-geenien uskottiin vaikuttavan hermosolujen välittäjäaineiden muodostukseen.

Mari Auranen kumppaneineen (2002) selvitti 38 suomalaisen suvun piirissä esiintyneitä autismin kirjoon kuuluvia kehityshäiriöitä. Kahdeksassatoista autismi- ja Aperger-suvussa merkittävin geneettinen piirre kytkeytyi 3. kromosomin geenijakson 3q25-q27 virheisiin. Y. Suzuki ja kumppanit (2002) kiinnittivät huomiota AS-vammaisten heikkoon mauntunnistamiseen (olfactory identification). Pekka Tani kumppaneineen raportoi (2004) ahdistuneisuudesta vammautuneiden unettomuuden syynä.

Arshad ja Fitzgerald pohdiskelivat v. 2004 Journal of medical biography-julkaisussa oliko Michelangelolla (1475-1564) Aspergerin oireyhtymä. Kirjoittavat totesivat taiteilijan täyttäneen diagnostiset kriteerit. Aiemmin Vilnan yliopiston Sigita Lesinskiene (2002) oli kiinnittänyt huomiota vammautuneiden hyvään piirustustaitoon.
Tiivistelmä käyttäytymispiirteistä

* Sosiaalisten vuorovaikutustaitojen puutteellisuus
* Kapea-alaiset kiinnostuksen kohteet
* Juuttuminen rutiineihin tai harrastuksiin
* Puheen ja kielen kehityksen ongelmat
* Ei-kielelliset tiedonvälitysvaikeudet
* Liikesuoritusten kömpelyys

Hahahaha I googled up dat site 2

hahahaah this sounds lyk me… especially in this part

higher than average IQ n many individuals (although not all), exhibit exceptional skill or talent in a specific area. Because of their high degree of functionality n their naiveté, dose with AS are often viewed as eccentric or odd

You can test dis:


Mah score:

Your score
90 93

You seem to have some Aspie or ADHD-traits but well below average for Aspies

:blush: :blush:

Thank you for filling out this questionnaire.
Your score

53 54

You seem to have some Aspie or ADHD-traits but well below average for Aspies

Most Aspies that have answered have scored above 100 (mean 134 for men and 147 for women). Many people with ADD/ADHD also have scored high (mean 115), but not as high.

hahahahaha, az i haf said, i wuz DIAGNOZED wit diz, doeznt mean fo shor da i actually haf it, juzt dat sum random doctah concluded dat i haf it

naturally, i know dat i dizplay sum symptomz of it, n generally haf a bit of a fucked life, but i answered diz sheeyat honeztly

i alzo realize dat diz dizordah iz very spectral, ie - da symptomz vary extremely in deir intensity among different individualz.

i am an awkward n shy socializer IRL, n i hav a specialized interezt/obzezzion, but not much of da otha random sheeyat dey azked.

ma concluzion - i might haf it, but even if i do, i haf a very mild case of it.

revenge of da rud says:
hahahah wut did u anzah fo diz
revenge of da rud says:
“Do you have difficulties with fine motor skills and/or hand-eye co-ordination?”

omfg im leik teh comme says:
omfg im leik teh comme says:
0 fo both
omfg im leik teh comme says:
haha, az u can tell
omfg im leik teh comme says:
dey bazically add up da numbaz
omfg im leik teh comme says:
da more 2z u put in, da higha yo score, n da mo lykly u haf diz
revenge of da rud says:
hahahah diz iz exactly why u fucked up it


Thank you for filling out this questionnaire.
Your score

73 69

You seem to have some Aspie or ADHD-traits but well below average for Aspies

Most Aspies that have answered have scored above 100 (mean 134 for men and 147 for women). Many people with ADD/ADHD also have scored high (mean 115), but not as high.

An evaluation of the test


HAhaa, da google unleashes random diagnosis’ with hyper-activesdc. 8)

hahahaha, da ZEPP shoz mo symptomz

Tack för att du svarat på frågorna.
Ditt resultat

69 69

Du har möjligen en del Aspie eller ADHD-drag

Daim dey had it in mah lanuge

mah-bad-self iz surprized in a pozitive way by da random seriouz post of da comme

Respec 8)

Da symptoms are about da same wit me
n I am mo likely to hav Asperger then da comme cos of da highah score
BUT, i believe i dont have dis syndrome

N if i have it, it wouldnt make lots of difference

I wouldnt want to call it a form of autism eitha,
i just see it as a specific character type.

Da reason i haff so much interest in asperger is cos i know a lot of people who say dey suffer dis syndrome. N da bad sheeyat iz: all deze mofos blame da sheeyat dey do wrong, on their asperger syndrome. Dat iz wut frustrates mah-bad-self.