da LISZT showz hez a tru fuckin mofo

if it waz ever in doubt - herez definitive proof he waz a mofo :

“For a whole fortnight my mind and my fingers have been working like two lost souls. Homer, the Bible, Plato, Locke, Byron, Hugo, Lamartine, Chatéaubriand, Beethoven, Bach, Hummel, Mozart, Weber are all around me. I study them, meditate on them, devour them with fury: besides this, I practice four or five hours of exercises (thirds, sixths, octaves, tremolo repetition of notes, cadenzas, etc). Ah! Provided I don’t go mad you will find in me an artist!”

dats rite, WITH FURY 8)

HAHA da truth hangs out. 8)

ahahaha, dis iz legendary

A bit far-fetched, don’t you think? 8)

hiz cock?

pozzibly 8)

Hahaha, sheeyat. 8)

Oh What a Mofo…

Woman were said to faint when he usleashed his fury… And he was good looking…

Homer? He watches The Simpsons?

hahahaha DATZ RITE!

da simpzonz iz full of philoziphy mo profound den any old sheeyat
