It’s time for u to take your medicine.
dats what HE said!!
u mofo r trying to stimulate the conflict.
did me evah zay dat ???
fuckah !!!
HAHAHA, im just addin anotha log to da fire
dats not called “fire”, comme.
dats called “the ultimate harshnezz of human being”.
hahahaha, dayum dats harshnezz
ScReW TwiZzLeRS!! i’LL MaKe YoUr MoUtH HaPPy!
yo r devaluating me secret weapon.
“unsurpass” and “peerless” are what most girls come up wit da conclusion after receiving my heart-warming entrance.
i undahestimated yo genius!
if yundi looks like a pop star, DG is to be blamed…
or hiz boyfriend
dayum, u peepz r discrediting da shrimp’s genius.
try wearin a wig next time u fuck him
Lang Lang is gay. (and I don’t mean that literally in a homosexual or happy way.) Nothing else needs to be said. Screw him.
u iz revealing dat u want to bone him?
not again wit dis rare repertoire shit, SMD u need to shut yo fucking fat @$$ pie hole up and give dat rare repertoire crap up, of all people to be hearing shit towards yundi, u idiot…so u’ll just go around complimenting and bashing everyone eh, have u taken a look in the mirror lately fat ass, and have you listened to yourself play, i’ve seen yo videos and you play worse than any of those “shit @$$ pianists” you think suck, so suck that you fat @$$, quit chowing down on those ding dongs and hoe hoe’s or your fingers and arms’ll be too fat to play u fucking fat @$$, what does your fucking @$$ know about how performing piano should be and what we should play or have in our repertoire, idiot, and weren’t you the one that said it’s DG’s fault for letting him play the same shit over and over, you dont’ even know what kind of repertoire he has so don’t go off judging and bitching and shit when you obviously don’t know wtf ur talking about so i’d like to extend a nice warm FUCK YOU YOU FUCKING FAT @$$ to u. Deep down u know u dunt care about playing piano fo realz, ur just a fucking show off too and play all the fast shit like lang lang so FUCK U fat @$$ suck it biotch
wow this guest has da fury…
i iz erect
fo da first tym i RESPEC da kitkat