da MT uzez an UZI 9 MILLIMETAH to decimate da CHOP POLO

xanga.com/item.aspx?user=Maz … tdate=last


da ZIFF haz been DETHRONED? :ziff: :stop:

ic, n how fast doez da MT play da octz?

(coincidentally, i am LHed too so dere may be a challenge)


The jealousy is amusing, to say the least. (You’re not supposed to “dance” to the middle section, anyway…it’s the evocation of the furious polish cavalry, and there must be AFAP and ALAP)


Darth Doktorus says:
and yes, MT"s octaves in the Op. 53 are the fastest I’ve ever heard

da KOJI teztifiez!!! 8)

i need a speed

da ruby owns da 53.

-da Meph

Is there a live recording?


I have only got a studio recording from in 1964 on marc 4-6 or 12. Doesn`t studi recordings count?:doc:

-da Meph

I generally am not crazy about Ruby’s studio stuff (aside from the EMI scherzi, preludes and the first recording of the Mazurkas, which are fantastic).


i haff a random early rec of da WU MAN 8)

If you have heard 1000 recordings of this piece before than it prolly wount sound anything special to you. But it is my favourite by far.

s5.yousendit.com/d.aspx?id=03U5Y … 871NOJU52T

quite slow compared to cziffra but it doesn`t bother me.

by the way what is it you don`t like about his latter recording of the mazurkas?

-da Meph

I’d heard countless recordings before hearing Cziffra’s (live) Dante and believe me, it was special. Outstanding recordings, well…stand out for a reason.
Thanks for the link.


I think there is live rec of Rubinstein’s Heroic

because there are videos. (in recitals and small occasions)

But as most of them are late-ruby.
So it means ‘nice but not special’

unlike his early recordings.

dayum, i had tym to wach a load of clothes whil ei listened to dat rec

da sound wuz very nice n it wuz very rhythmic but i didnt feel it had enough energy

yes it may not have that much energy, but the rytmic feel and cleariry compensates for that. This is jus my oppinion tough.

-da Meph

you know, it’s pointless to argue with you about speed because that’s the only thing that SDC (or some dumb cunt, as i called it) care about. you are fun, but it gets old very quick.

so, why don’t you all go to chopin competition in miami, and then we’ll talk, yea?
Posted 7/27/2005 at 11:07 AM by Mazeppa

tiz a tru HONAH to get old quick, az oppozed to being SL*W
Posted 7/28/2005 at 9:09 PM by da_comme