da official SDC media playah

da jeff explainz 8)

da real BARRIZTA says:
hahahahah jeff lizten to dat sheeat
da real BARRIZTA says:
da stylee of dat perf iz actually similar to da WHALEz live izlamic bombah
Jeff -Music is my only escape from the hypocrisy says:
i need da tru pimp to play that shit
da real BARRIZTA says:
hahahaha a tru pimp cant pozzibly play much bettah den diz man
Jeff -Music is my only escape from the hypocrisy says:
tru pimp = real player
Jeff -Music is my only escape from the hypocrisy says:
Jeff -Music is my only escape from the hypocrisy says:
i haven’t installed dat shit
da real BARRIZTA says:
diz perf completely RAPEZ da otha 2 recz da comme haz
da real BARRIZTA says:
Jeff -Music is my only escape from the hypocrisy says:
da official SDC media player
da real BARRIZTA says:
diz vil be noted
Jeff -Music is my only escape from the hypocrisy says:
i will note that
Jeff -Music is my only escape from the hypocrisy says:
by my-bad-self

:dong: :dong: :dong:

fo mo info, c here:



hahahahaha, da only sheeyat dat sheeyat iz gud fo iz streamin

quick streamz of cum


