diz fallen legend of da pimp comp haz now been officially IMMORTALIZED
a random google search showz diz mofo got 2nd place in da ANTON RUB comp in 2003. n a search fo dat comp yieldz da rep requirementz:
notice da GENSUI of diz comp. in da round2, da max allowed time iz 45minutez. yet dey offah da HAMMAHCLEAVAGE az one of da optionz when u haff to play anotha 10min piece aftah diz. dey iz basically encouraging TRU SDizm.
haha, whats da current official time rec for da whole of da hammercleavage?
April 14, 2005, 1:53pm
haha da schnabel pozzibly got dat
“simply unlistenable” -Rectum
yet we can mozt likley find a random live RECTUM rec in half da time
April 14, 2005, 3:27pm
HAHAHAHA exactly!
da Rectum haff to deal wiz hiz duality:
-hiz brain sayz : “slowah slowah!”
-n hiz cock sayz : “no shit!!!, go fuckinnn AFAP mannnnnnnnn!!!1”
from hiz huge SDC legacy we can say dat one of the two waz more persuasive
hahaha, n we may alzo notice dat hiz cock shrunk immenzely in old age
hahaha da RECTUM waztez no time in hijacking a PAVEMENT topic. da threat iz felt from beyond da grave, perhapz?
hahahaha, da RECTUM iz still ALIVE in our heartz…hahahahahaha, or cockz
haha, da k mart - u r da 1 who makez diztazteful 9/11 n tsunami jokez
u fuckah