Da PAVEMENT -a TRU fuckin MOFO!!!!

diz fallen legend of da pimp comp haz now been officially IMMORTALIZED

a random google search showz diz mofo got 2nd place in da ANTON RUB comp in 2003. n a search fo dat comp yieldz da rep requirementz:

notice da GENSUI of diz comp. in da round2, da max allowed time iz 45minutez. yet dey offah da HAMMAHCLEAVAGE az one of da optionz when u haff to play anotha 10min piece aftah diz. dey iz basically encouraging TRU SDizm.


haha, whats da current official time rec for da whole of da hammercleavage?

haha da schnabel pozzibly got dat
“simply unlistenable” -Rectum

yet we can mozt likley find a random live RECTUM rec in half da time 8)

HAHAHAHA exactly!

da Rectum haff to deal wiz hiz duality:
-hiz brain sayz : “slowah slowah!”
-n hiz cock sayz : “no shit!!!, go fuckinnn AFAP mannnnnnnnn!!!1”

from hiz huge SDC legacy we can say dat one of the two waz more persuasive 8)


hahaha, n we may alzo notice dat hiz cock shrunk immenzely in old age 8)

hahaha da RECTUM waztez no time in hijacking a PAVEMENT topic. da threat iz felt from beyond da grave, perhapz? 8)

hahahaha, da RECTUM iz still ALIVE in our heartz…hahahahahaha, or cockz

I haff a HUGE…

…heart :blush:


haha, da k mart - u r da 1 who makez diztazteful 9/11 n tsunami jokez

u fuckah 8)