da PIMP COMP CG prize goez to...

da 5 nomineez r

  • da THAI kickboxah - fo playing a ho tranz
  • da ROOF - fo da mozt CG lazt note of da sonata
  • da PAVEMENT - fo not even playing da lazt note of da sonata. or did he?
  • da random ass wiggling dutch mofo
  • da FUCKWAD randomly getting into da finalz/da judgez
0 voters

u decide 8)

I thought the dutch mofo wuz mos hilariouz.


CG last note? whats that mean?

CG = comedic gensui 8)

but what happened on da last not wid dose 2 mofos?

hahahahahaha, da ROOF randomly tapped it

haham RESPEC

although a ziff stlye FFFFF added note would have been pretty CG too 8)