Da PPP unleash a ZIFF clazzic


amen, there are sum jury cucks that will say that THIS is how this shit should be played.



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Chopin gave a recital of his own compositions in Paris, which Dreyshock attended in company with Thalberg. They listened with delight throughout the performance, but after the performance Thalberg began shouting at the top of his voice.
β€˜What’s the matter?’ asked Dreyshock, in astonishment.
β€˜Oh,’ explained Thalberg, β€˜I’ve been listening to piano all the evening, and now, for the sake of contrast, I want a little forte. ’



You’re giving da Wim mofo ideas.


It’s ok, as his dynamic range runs from mf to f, I don’t see this particular angle being exploited :stuck_out_tongue:


I don’t want to judge the kid’s dynamic range based on a shit recording on a poor piano

Maybe his sound blooms out in the hall?
With enough cash he can make da Pimpcomp top 14

I was slagging off da :wim:'z (lack of) dynamic range. Da ppp mofo clearly haff mo range.

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Tru. Da ppp listens attentively to what he plays and that is more than I can say fo da average conservatory student :hui:

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Yeah, he has potential, but his tech (in the dex/mechanique sense) is very suspect. Clearly needs better guidance, and shouldn’t be playing highly physical :pimp:.

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Or maybe he is :ghey: and just expressing himzelf :sunglasses:

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Plus he clearly loves Liszt.

ahahahahah diz mofo iz not all moizt n gheynezz

he duz indeed haff a RAPE MODE dat he zwitch on at da end of da JAGOFF

unfortunately diz da MAX RAPE CAPACITY dat i imagine

both :wim: n :zcholah: vil be mo den capable of :sunglasses:

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15:25 WHAT the?!!

I see…

Dis a long lost BUZ simplification?
And sum glaring misreadings. Holy shit, what the FUCK is the teacher doing?

Clearly the teacher is giving β€œextra time” to his female students.

Or the teacher is a female. :hui: