da SDC comp politicz dizcuzzion

now wiz da KRITTY on da jury, who vil be da politicz winnah?


[color=cyan][size=200]“JUSTICE VILL B URZ”[/size]

da Rob didn’t tell da jury votin rulez

shorly da jury chairman vote iz mo important den da aux jury vote 8)

tru tha ROB hath been zlackin on tha organization of thiz legendary event, howevah

  1. az far az i know KRITTY iz not on tha Jury
  2. he lykly vil sumhow work hiz way onto tha jury
  3. given hiz nationality i dun c why he wudnt juz entah n win tha comp

tha JURY shud be poztd by tha end of march? pozzibly.

howevah OFFICIALLY, tha only entrant or pozzibly sponser, or pozzibly jury membah iz…tha MAN.


:rectum: :rectum: :rectum:


I vill provide a prize for da top 3 winnahz. Pozzibly da 88 CDs and rare vids. Izn’t dat’z y we all iz here for. i vill allow da 3 finaliztz to select from mah immenze 88 collection (1 TB).

da 1st prize winnah - 3 GB of any 88 stuff (any type of format).

2nd prize winnah - 2 GB

3rd prize winnah - 1 GB.

Remembah, diz iz just mahzelf donation (6 GB in total). I vill do every pozzible way to get mah 88 zheeyat to da winnahz. i iz not BS. if otharz iz willing support, go ahead & pls do zo. diz will make da SDC 88 compet much more wikid. We vill zoon make a final list of how da award for da top 3 winnahz actually look lyk. Im sho it’z fucking worthwhile.


:bar: :[color=cyan][size=200]“zpeed definez da winnahz”.[/size]

:god::[color=yellow][size=200]“DATZ RITE”.[/size]

KRITTY yo offah iz mo then generouz and shorly will encourage n furtha tha enrollment procezz and tha general interezt of tha undecided/prozpectiv entrantz.

having sed that,

shorly tha abov quote iz a growin trend among tha SDCerz who hath been subhject to harhz KRITTY-cizims

having sed that,

i howevah support a decizion to appoint KRITTY to da JURY, howevah i feel ther shud obviouzly be at leazt 5 othaz. ( ideally :comme: :mart: :zepp: :tony: , az well az tha :lib: ,SHAGA, THRACOZAAG, SLAPNUTz, SINADIN n otha DEMON EMERITI az it wer )

da fcuck?

i haff one queztion:

how da fuck iz da zepp gonna receive 3gbz of sheeyat? :stop:

zepp, ur intahnet iz univerzally known az sum ov da zheeyatezt zpeed evah exizted in da 21zt century. Howevah, i sympathize u.


i vill set a servah and send u a uzah 'n pazzvord. diz allows u to continue wif whatevah u iz dling no matter how zheeyat da zpeed iz.


P.S. make sho u maintain da 28 KB/sec dial-up zpeed. dont go below dan dat becuz mah intahnet konnection blockz da znail 'n turtle.