random opening of t25s6.dasdc.net/
Argerich only videos
currently hozting:
argerich - beethoven piano concerto no. 1 with ozawa
argerich - ravel - piano concerto in g with dutoit (live in japan 2002)
da ROB doc vil alzo be pozted here (Auguzt 1st)
June 28, 2006, 8:43am
hahha, can i at leazt haff access to da robdoc
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tru…da mart n moi can give accezz, mozt pozzibly any1 from da oldschool brothel vil be given permizzion…juzt not tonight, i iz a BIT fuckin tired
tru i’d lyk to see diz az well
June 28, 2006, 5:01pm
ahahah thiz ORGY forum haz a rezpectabl satanic 666 colour scheme
edi: ahaha i hav legendarily becom admin rezpec tru
ok I iz joined, let me in plz.
hahhha i randumly alredee got kicked out of da Orrgy section
June 29, 2006, 10:34pm
and i randomly can’t login…
as did i. i guess the forum is now pointless for us until we can see the rob doc.
June 30, 2006, 6:44pm
ahahhaa i iz ADMIN but zince it iz a t25 sheeyat i dun want to fuck around wiz thiz…howevah if u want i can give u tha title “da finnizh demon who finizhez 1zt”
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i need a douche title now for bein married haha