da SHRIMPz venchah into rare rep

da RAREZT sheeyat da shrimp vil learn:

  • da hammahcleavage
  • da KAN symph
  • da rezw MOFOz UNITED
  • a HO tranz
  • da rach3
  • da commez rach3
  • da moonlite sonata
0 voters


diz mofo haz set a record fo playing da same program fo FIVE FUCKIN YEARZ. soonah or latah he iz gonna haff to play sumthing otha den chop/pimp (or duz he?). n tiz evident hiz legendary tech vil garauntee WIKID perfz fo wutevah sheeyat he choozez to play. so da queztion cummah:

vutz da RAREZT sheeyat da shrimp vil lykly play?




…pozzibly 8)

2000 - 2004: 4 chop scherzi/grand poloshirt + pimp son

2005 : inzertion of da spanish rappah

2006 : likely inzertion of da SHOE carnaval
( I saw one of hiz 2006 prog : shuman - chopin)

da shrimp vill den go on wiz da german mofoz

2007: inzertion of da moonlight sonata

I think da shrimp will start removin da chop sherzi in 2010 hiz chop comp contract iz 10 yearz 8)

2015 : pozzibly da hamcleavage
da idea iz : da shrimp doez think he iz a gensui peniz n always wantz to tackle da mozt considered piecez fo each compozah (pimp son fo da pimp)…

(fo da SHOE he accepted it cuz da teatchah told him dere waz a chopin lyk piece in it)



da SHRIMPz knowz he cant compete on da quantity of piecez, so wit da martz strategy, he vil compete on da quantity of compozahz :dong:

he played da Spanish Rhapsody back in 1999 when he compete for the Pimp comp.

I vote for “Other, specify”. 8)

hahahahaha, ma rocky 3 tranz

fo shizzle
but ALL hiz rep fo da 5 yearz iz still iz comp rep :shrimp: :shrimp: :shrimp:

i saw him 5 year ago
he is practically playing the same shit…
over and over and OVER again
and recently, his Liszt sonata declines, it’s sad, but he doesn’t care about the music anymore i guess.

At least da :dong: is pretending to love the music.
da :shrimp: don’t even give a fuck

u may say dat wit negative connotation, but i percive it az pozitive 8)