[22:59] the: geoffrey storm
[22:59] Da Scrib: Haha yep
[22:59] the: hahaha
[22:59] the: make a topic about diz mofo
[22:59] Da Scrib: Why?
[23:00] Da Scrib: (H)
[23:00] the: it wud be yo random 1zt topic
[23:00] Da Scrib: icic
[23:00] Da Scrib: i’ll do that
[23:00] the: hahaha
[23:00] the: he iz fuckin INSANE
[23:00] Da Scrib: which sec?
[23:00] the: nutsack
[23:00] the: name da thread
[23:01] the: ‘da STORM’
[23:01] Da Scrib: Hahaha
Anyone got any recordings of dis mofo?
besides the stuff on his website and da vid, ofcoz
no, I aint got no recs of.
did u dl da huge 700Mb vid on da mule scrib?
da website iz so sheeyat da zepp doesn’t even think hez a mofo
da zepp vil regret dizzin diz mofo
Yep, respec to da mule.
When I first saw the vid, I also thought that he was a bit sheeyat. But when I watched it again yestahday, i was lyk…DAYYUUUMMMMMMM!!!11
da delayed reaction
when I dled da vid I thought dat waz sum Velocidick and Ziff playin STORMILY
…but it waz da Storm playin sum Velocidick n ziff
da most hilariously amateurish self-made promo vid evah
naturally I waz enraged at first
but den realized dat waz da most comprehensive SD vid : da camp, velocidick’z hozard, totentanz, ziff hungary danze, HR15, tarantula, GGC
an obvious obsession fo SPEED n NO trace of m*sicality whatsoever
I vil squeeze sum sheeyat fo da zepp
hahahah yep itz possible. In da past, i haff regreted quasi-dissing da WU MAN fo eg.
datz da overwhelming sheeyat
ZERO MOIZT fo about 25 minz
den a random sample of a noct, den BACK TO RAW FURY N SPEED
i haff nevah witnezzed diz level of sustained SDizm in 1 vid befo