DA TRAIN a mofo? he haz a soft cock


‘Trpceski’s overshot climaxes and flaccid rhythm make the music sound rhapsodic and shapeless’

even in da CLIMAX he remainz flaccid

shorly diz mofo can unleash da sheeyat!


That review is stupid.

First, the most difficult 2 pieces on the CD, sonata 2 and Midsummer night are played with such fire and clarity. For the Sonata 2, I have yet heard a better version (the original, not Horowitz version). His phrasing is amazing and tune is beautiful, yet not shallowly sentimental.

“Compare the drier, more rhythmically incisive approach to downward runs served up by Horowitz or Weissenberg in the outer movements, or the aforementioned Höricke’s melodic definition in the slow movement, and you’ll understand my reservations.”

First it is not Horowitz, Horowitz doesn’t play this as Rachmaninoff intended. It’s a piece that Horowtiz literally re-written, and it’s a recording out of another world, it’s not fair to compare like that. I believe Trcepski has spoken what he intended in this piece, instead of immitating Vlad in it. I personally respect that a lot. (And considering how much of a Ho-Freak i am)

"For starters, his clunky, heavy-handed treatment of the G minor Prelude Op. 23 No. 5 transforms the composer’s taut march into an uphill climb in hot weather. For all the pretty sounds he makes in the D major Op. 23 No. 4 Prelude, Trpceski’s overshot climaxes and flaccid rhythm make the music sound rhapsodic and shapeless. "

So now u are complaning about his virtuosity. Which when he plays with such technical braveau, u gotta condemn him of the ‘unimaginative texture’, and what was the reason? Because he doesn’t ‘bang’ the piano, like ‘Horowitz and Weinsenberg’.

What a bunch of BS.

The writter of that review should go hang himself with his own intestine, because it’s so full of shit.

And Trcepski plays a killer Busoni-Bizet Carmen.

Dayum. When dis mofo came to oz last year I didn’t know who da hell he was, so passed up da opportunity to see him live. I regret dis sheeyat based on da jeff’s assessment of hiz peniztic abilities