This is what I thought, so think me naive says:
Mikhail says:
This is what I thought, so think me naive says:
datz rite
Mikhail says:
canadian bitch just banned me from furum
da taniwha says:
Mikhail says:
I need fucking brothel access
Mikhail says:
da taniwha says:
hahahah tru
This is what I thought, so think me naive says:
mikhail, haf u vitnezzed koji attwood?
da taniwha says:
comme give diz
This is what I thought, so think me naive says:
i iz a normal memba, thankz to da fuckin mart
Mikhail says:
are you k-nar?
This is what I thought, so think me naive says:
haha no
Mikhail says:
whop are you?
This is what I thought, so think me naive says:
This is what I thought, so think me naive says:
a legend
Mikhail says:
na, really
This is what I thought, so think me naive says:
koji attwood
Mikhail says:
Mikhail says:
really, tell me who you are
This is what I thought, so think me naive says:
hahaha da comme?
Koji says:
Mr. Kaykov…heh. How goes it?
This is what I thought, so think me naive says:
hahaha da koji
Mikhail says:
da taniwha says:
hahahahaha da WOOD zpeakth
da taniwha says:
hahaha fuck randomly brb
Mikhail says:
mr>koji, what is your messneger user name?
da taniwha has left the conversation.
Mikhail says:
This is what I thought, so think me naive says:
hahaha fuck
Koji says:
Mikhail says:
what is your email?
Mikhail says:
I mean messenger
Mikhail says:
This is what I thought, so think me naive says:
hahaha da mikhail iz a fan?
Mikhail says:
I need to add you to my contact list
Koji says:
Koji says:
he’s actually come to every cziffra society concert and several of the liszt festival things, as I recall
This is what I thought, so think me naive says:
hahahaha, i herd about diz
This is what I thought, so think me naive says:
rezpec da kaykov
Mikhail says:
I loved your Rackozy march
Mikhail says:
it was insane!
This is what I thought, so think me naive says:
Koji says:
thanks a lot, that piano was a beast
Koji says:
I actually was holding back. lol
Mikhail says:
yeah, but you aced the double ntes
This is what I thought, so think me naive says:
hahaha datz wut dey all zay
Koji says:
whew yeah, always a scary part
Mikhail says:
Iam playing the thirds etude
Koji says:
I’m still waiting to get that video
Mikhail says:
heard as hell
Mikhail says:
what video?
Koji says:
yeah, thanks to zepp, I’m actually writing out the 25/6 octave version. lol
Koji says:
I have no life
Koji says:
Mikhail says:
what video?
Mikhail says:
Koji says:
Joe Patyrich videotaped all the Liszt concerts, and Yamaha did as well, I think
Mikhail says:
Koji says:
so if you want a copy, I can probably make one for you
This is what I thought, so think me naive says:
haha, he iz a random friend of da doc
Mikhail says:
sounds good
Koji says:
yep, he’s got tons of MAH videos
Mikhail says:
Joe Patyrich is now at the International; Keyboard Festival
Mikhail says:
I am there too
Mikhail says:
Koji says:
yeah, did you go to Mayer’s recital?
Mikhail says:
Mikhail says:
nut I want to demidenko
Koji says:
and as you proibably know, Earl Wild cancelled
Mikhail says:
and grynuck yesterday
Koji says:
apparently he’s in very poor health
Mikhail says:
yes, I know
Mikhail says:
we had "evening with Earl
Mikhail says:
Mikhail says:
Dubal gave a Liszt Lecture
Koji says:
Koji says:
Mikhail says:
it was too short
This is what I thought, so think me naive says:
This is what I thought, so think me naive says:
did da dubal even mention da ziff?
Mikhail says:
This is what I thought, so think me naive says:
ha wut did he zay?
Mikhail says:
he played his GGC from Japana
This is what I thought, so think me naive says:
Koji says:
This is what I thought, so think me naive says:
a vid o rec?
Koji says:
he got that video from ME
Koji says:
Mikhail says:
He said he is amazing
Mikhail says:
but a lapidarian
This is what I thought, so think me naive says:
hahahah finally zum REZPEC
This is what I thought, so think me naive says:
hahaha wut da fuck iz dat?
This is what I thought, so think me naive says:
hez hungarian
Koji says:
He fell out of his chair when I played that live totentanz for him
Koji says:
and the Grieg
Mikhail says:
This is what I thought, so think me naive says:
hahaha correctly
Mikhail says:
I like how michelangeli p,lays that piece
Koji says:
Francis and I overwhelmed him with Ziff propoganda
This is what I thought, so think me naive says:
hahaha tru i rememba
Koji says:
so he edited the entry in the latest edition of Art of Piano, heh
Mikhail says:
Michelangeli plays my favorite totentanz
Mikhail says:
Cziffra is a little too much bravura for that sinister piece
This is what I thought, so think me naive says:
ahhaha da machine iz 1 of ma leazt fav penizz
This is what I thought, so think me naive says:
juz too mild
Mikhail says:
no, but his totentanz performance…
Koji says:
his performance of the totentanz is really good, though
Koji says:
2nd to Ziff’s in my book
This is what I thought, so think me naive says:
haha i hafnt herd diz
Koji says:
da icy cold fury
Mikhail says:
Koji says:
it’s terrific
Koji says:
and his live scarbo is SCARY
Mikhail says:
Mikhail says:
He is a true master
Koji says:
holy shit that’s an amazing performance
Mikhail says:
yep, I have it
Koji says:
the stuff from the 50’s rules
Koji says:
then he gets more boring
Mikhail says:
the totentanz is from 1960’s?
Mikhail says:
Koji says:
I believe so
Mikhail says:
Mikhail says:
I trust you
Mikhail says:
Mikhail says:
whatv are you playing these days?
This is what I thought, so think me naive says:
Mikhail says:
any Liszt?
Koji says:
Randomly warming up in the mornings with 10/2 and 25/6 octave version. lol
Koji says:
and just learning my Merkin program at this point
Mikhail says:
Koji says:
the schubert transcription and all those russian things
Mikhail says:
10/2 is hard
This is what I thought, so think me naive says:
hahaha wut exactly doez da octave verzion mean?
Koji says:
uh, yeah, especially if you’re trying to play it at 168
This is what I thought, so think me naive says:
juz all da LH zingle notez in octz?
Mikhail says:
nut not as hard as the thirds
Koji says:
I find 10/2 harder than 25/6 personally
Koji says:
but maybe my hand’s weird
Mikhail says:
Mikhail says: … 0952520513
Mikhail says:
this is my Gnomenreigen performance
Koji says:
Mikhail says:
please listen
This is what I thought, so think me naive says:
hahaha mikhail alzo randomly playz a random zcriabin prelude
Mikhail says:
I played it a bit too fast
Mikhail says:
watch the Liszt though
Koji says:
nothing wrong with that, heh
Mikhail says:
you like the Liszt so far?
Koji says:
I asssume you have the Cziffra from Paris performance?
Mikhail says:
Koji says:
it’s ridiculous
Koji says:
my god
This is what I thought, so think me naive says:
hahah da mikhail
Mikhail says:
but the strasbourgh is better
This is what I thought, so think me naive says:
hahah da mikhail iz VERY rezapecable fo a 15 yr old
Mikhail says:
but listen to mine
Mikhail says:
Mikhail says:
I did it in black & white video]
Mikhail says:
This is what I thought, so think me naive says:
da magic of da ziff perf iz da combo of zpeed n colourz at da hi zpeed
Mikhail says:
I agree
Mikhail says:
Mikhail says:
did you see mah vid?
Mikhail says:
It’s from a time when I was in tiop form
Koji says:
you definitely got chops, my man
This is what I thought, so think me naive says:
hahaha i vil randomly learn diz piece
This is what I thought, so think me naive says:
hahaha u haf lozt da form?
Mikhail says:
what do you mean by chops?
Mikhail says:
I lost da form, tru
This is what I thought, so think me naive says:
Mikhail says:
This is what I thought, so think me naive says:
hahaha how did u loze it?
Mikhail says:
to much P*rn
This is what I thought, so think me naive says:
dropped off da zteriodz?
This is what I thought, so think me naive says:
Mikhail says:
instead of piano
Mikhail says:
I look at random porn
This is what I thought, so think me naive says:
Mikhail says:
all day
This is what I thought, so think me naive says:
hahah fuck, an unwize move
Mikhail says:
I know
Mikhail says:
But it’s worth it
Mikhail says:
This is what I thought, so think me naive says:
ahah no
This is what I thought, so think me naive says:
if u keep playin da 88
This is what I thought, so think me naive says:
u vil get real puzzy
This is what I thought, so think me naive says:
which iz mo den a bit betta
Mikhail says:
Yeah, but I need fake pussy for now
Mikhail says:
laer,m I can get to plastic pussy
Mikhail says:
den rubber
Mikhail says:
and den real pussy
Mikhail says:
This is what I thought, so think me naive says:
hahahahaha randomly inzane, juz make zho u keep up yo tech
Mikhail says:
Mikhail says:
Mikhail says:
I think I sacared Koji off
Mikhail says:
This is what I thought, so think me naive says:
hahaha lykly
This is what I thought, so think me naive says:
koji juz doeznt want to be azzociated in a convo wiz a 15 yr old boy about mazturbation
Mikhail says:
Mikhail says:
Mikhail says:
do you have brothel access?
This is what I thought, so think me naive says:
haha tru, but juz azk k-nar when he comez back
Mikhail says:
yeah, but can I borrow your password for lyk 4 mins?
Mikhail says:
den you can change it
Mikhail says:
I randomly need to go in da brothel
Mikhail says:
This is what I thought, so think me naive says:
hahaha no, zorry
Mikhail says:
eh, ok
Mikhail says:
Mikhail says:
is this the comme?
This is what I thought, so think me naive says:
Mikhail says:
where is k-nar?
This is what I thought, so think me naive says:
ahha offline now, but he vil be on later
Mikhail says:
Mikhail has left the conversation.