da ultimate SD compliment

da unenlightened often say thingz - dat dey believe haz a negative connotation -

but we SDz think differently, when we hear da wordz ‘too fast’, ‘soundz like a midi’, ‘show-off’ - we believe dis iz positive 8)

da ultimate compliment may be ‘dat rec soundz massaged’

genius 8)


when i play mah next concert, ima stand up b4 a slow piece (liek an adagio from teh sonata) and be liek

“in da tru SD style, i will play this slow mofo at 50x da indicated tempo, and i will turn da melody into da oct tech for mo’ fury”

hahahahahaha, PLATINUM RESPEC

da ULTIMATE compliment went to da comme recently :
“Poor piano!”

I iz a bit jealous of dis

hahaha, what can i say 8)

hahaha da k-nar thought ma rach3 to be sped up. Now dats da king of da compliments! 8)

hahahahahahahaha, da kmart shorly waz nevah dat stoopid

da truth hangs out 8)

like da rodz rod 8)