Da ULTIMATE tech challenge

It’s game on wiv dese maztahz of :snail: tech, rivalling da :doc: v :ho: cuntezt fo sho.

Both haff shown diverzity of approach and allegedly dizplayed sum FURY before moving to da dark side.

In da red cornah, yeah! It’z da :zcholah:! Famouz (?) fo hiz zupah :snail: zeriez, a ztaggering lack of nuance, and one of da mozt zheeyat campyz evah seen on da tube, dis enigma alzo, tiz claimed, produced an EXCITING azzpazzion…

In da blue cornah, undah da guidance of da maztah znail zenzei :wim:, we haff da ZNAILBAIT, who haff matured from

to becum A TRU MAZTAH

Wutevah miracle potion :wim: haff brought forth, da ZNAILBAIT haff undoubtedly ZWALLOWED it, with imprezzive (?) effectz on hiz girth.

And zo, yo pick iz?

  • :zcholah:
  • znailbait
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Vid 1 :zcholah:ly oxymoron



haha da FEZTIN unzucezzfullty zpend 8 hrz to find a :wim: unleazh :sunglasses:


:wim: only unleazhez in da cummentz zect.