da unlegendery cost of shippin

i haff been considerin orderin da score fo sorabjis trancendental penises from da sorabji archive (study perpouse) fo da cost of 110£. i mailed da hinton about da price of shippin n to mah poor student ass it wud cost 257£ to only ship it to sweden. wtf… england iz lyk 2 meters away! i cud lyk walk ovah n get it!

how cud it be so fuckin expensive?!?!?! lyk 367£ fo random sheet music?!

anyone wanna splitt da bill? :lib:

No. Jesus, don’t ever pay that much for shipping. I had a god-damned 50 pound desktop computer shipped from the US to canada by Priority airmail for 50 bucks.

Then again, knowing Sorabji, this music could be 24000 pages and weigh more than 100 pounds FUCK.

what iz it like fucking same day exprezz sheeyats? I’d never pay more for shipping dan da actually sheeyat. well with one exception I bought da ruby books for 3 bucks each and da shipping was more.

fuck datz x-pensive shipping. why don’t u go dere to get dem?

hahahaha i cud fo less money :doc:

tiz 843 pages A3 format


fuck da shipping iz a bit… :dong:

-da Meph

i d/led dem :whale:

pozzibly 1 - 18 but i want da 1 - 100 u fuckah :doc: