da UPSTAGE tech styleeeee

[10:41] da random epiphany: u know wut ive thought of doin a few timez at recitalz
[10:41] da random epiphany: aftah da peniz iz finished
[10:41] da random epiphany: or b4 dey star
[10:41] da random epiphany: or in da intermizzion
[10:41] da random epiphany: randomly get up to da piano n UNLEASH!!!
[10:41] da random epiphany: hahahaha
[10:41] da random epiphany: hahaha YEZ!!!
[10:42] cg: da outcum cannot be mo predicktable (H)
[10:42] da random epiphany: ahaha
[10:42] da random epiphany: wut wud happen
[10:42] da random epiphany: it aint illegal (H)
[10:43] cg: obviouzly not
[10:43] cg: sheeeyat dat bringz forth enjoyment fo othaz n nevah illegal (H)
[10:44] da random epiphany: haha
[10:44] da random epiphany: wut wud happen?
[10:44] cg: at da leazt…
[10:44] cg: much CG vil ensue(H)
[10:44] da random epiphany: hahahaha
[10:44] da random epiphany: wud u do it?
[10:46] cg: dependz on whoz recital
[10:46] da random epiphany: hahaha
[10:46] da random epiphany: hypotehsize
[10:47] cg: if it wuz yoz
[10:47] cg: den obviouzly not (H)
[10:48] cg: da CG resulting from yo playing vil ovashadow mine by far
[10:50] da random epiphany: hahaha u fuicakag
[10:50] da random epiphany: wut aqbout a PEAHAHAHAHAHAH concert
[10:51] cg: well
[10:52] cg: why da fuck wud i be dere in da firzt place? (H)
[10:53] da random epiphany: hahahahahaha


I some how mizzed this. Although now, I don’t think i have anything amorouz to add - I mean humorouz.




My 20thC repertoire is also not extensive, but I’ve been having a load of fun recently with Bartok’s 6 dances in Hungarian Rhythm, from Mikrokosmos 6. Each of the 6 pieces is short (less than 2 minutes). I think these fall into the “advanced but not amazingly difficult” category - as you’ve played Bartok before you’ll know that the difficulties tend to centre on the slightly unusual rhythms and the rather unexpected harmonies, which tend to concentrate the sight-reading skills in the early stages of learning! I started with the last one, which when played up to speed is an exhilerating fanfare-like piece, and am working through the others now.

For my next 20thC pieces, I’m interested in looking at some of Hovhannes’s work, which I’ve only recently come across. I’ve listened to some of his orchestral music, but not his piano music other than one beginner piece. It’s all very beautiful, haunting music, heavily inspired by Eastern European and East Asian music. Unfortunately I haven’t yet done any exploring and can’t therefore recommend a particular piece, but maybe someone else can.
