Da Valse

Haha da Eum Son covah

hahahaha tha TAVERNKEEPAH:

altho i cud haff zworn he haff a beard n twuz a much biggah mofo than thiz TAVERNKEEPAH
i remembah zum vid wher he zay zum zheeyat lyk “u cant take yozelf zeriouzly leadin up to a perf juz chill n then when tha tym cummah u vil be ready”
i thought it wuz a BTZ van cliburn docu thing but cant find tha link zo it muztve been anotha italian mofo

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How da fuck was Fei Fei in da finals n not diz legit pro mofo?!

I heard him live actually, very wikid pianist

pozz u iz rememberin da CABAZZI? a fat fuckah wiz a beard n playin goofy Zoler n Zcaratti

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AHAHHAHA TRU that iz tha mofo i wuz thinkin :dong:

altho they both play tha PETROUCHKA n iizc correctly one of them playz zum legendary LH grifflahz in tha OUTDOOR WANK :lib:

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Ahahahaha DAYUM!!

da FATLIB :sunglasses:


da intro a bit fucked 8)

alzo dayum zpeakin of da DRAGON WARRIAH, da introz to deze hahaha