da zepp chill on a random anime zong

TRU da zepp randomly capitalize on da JAP frenzy in da wud-u-hit-it zect by unleazhin a random anime zong

tru diz impro ztylee a bit ghey :zkep: 8)

HAHAHAHA holy shit

Monetize yo channel asap 8)

fuckkkkkkkk i wud, if i cud handle

15 different copyrite lawzuitz from da BEZT FUCK-UP zeriez :sunglasses:

I thought that said anima, and was randomly expecting a czerny unleash.


iz dat a request? 8)


tru make diz a FORMAL REQUEZT mofo!

mannn let moi take out ma 299 n rape thru zum clazzicz to get prepared 8)


formal request initiated! Any et pleaze 8)