da zepp unleazh a PIMP clazzic

I had that in one of my previous small apartments. I was practising da Prok R & J, M & C on a ghastly digital piano with headphones when suddenly a neigh-bore who was living under me was banging my door: “could you stop making that drumming sound, I can’t sleep”… :frowning:

So den you simply unplugged your headphones and turned da volume all the way up.

When da neighbor showed up, you opened da door fully naked but inexplicably wearing a Lenin mask.

They left without a word and never complained again, even when you blasted the Horowitz/Barbirolli Rach 3 at 2am. 8)

Now why didn’t I think of doing that… :blush:

I remember I had such a shitty neighbor dat Dey would complain about ANY classical music. Luckily the bitch moved out.

One time I wuz playing da pletnev Waldstein on da speakers n da bitch came up! It was like 8pm, fuck.

I used to practice with lid raised at 3 am.
I was a considerate neighbour. 8)

Generally, I’m not a night person, practice ends at 8pm - and I start watching vids on flat earth, trannies and masons until I pass out from all da highly intell*ctual activity

Dere is alzo diz Chop-BRAHMZ Et!

Damn! Check it out




evidently, da BRA alzo read dat 88ztreet pozt n wuz lykwize inzpired to unleazh hiz own verzion of diz clazzic

in a zalon rectal where da PIMP himzelf wuz in attendance no lezz 8)

zadly, da PIMP fell azleep durin diz BRA unleazh, infuriatin da young BRA, who yrz latah wud finally exact hiz revenge by

fallin azleep durin da PIMPZON


I’m sure da Brahms woke up in TYM for da octz unleash tho 8)

Instead of recording da Hung dance, da BRA himself shud have unleashed a few choice vars from his Paganini 8)