you mean “ghey”
i no how it works.
donate 50 to me n i’ll tell ya
eddie ain’t gay u moof
shrek n donkey on anotha whilwind adveeutnan
and no i meant gay
it is homosexual. that’s why it turns me on so much.
i think it just works on how long you spend on the site
pozzibly, or it workz randomly.
tru, da etude doesn’t deserve 94. daComme iz a fukkah
I remember this kinda thing on a really really REALLY old game forum (SDF, don’t ask. ha). Instead the “ziffros” were called “oan points” (own, for the slow) n’ we used it to buy shit just like you would in final fantasy or some other rpg shit. haha, they even had oogly lookin’ alien like mofos you could fight n’ gain EXP points from. t’was wikid shyza
haha we are so desperate for ziffros even when we haff no fuckin clue what it’s for
It’s just like Blutooth technology on cellphones. Fuck if anyone knows what it’s used for, but they all wanna have it.