Da zkep create a pimp-ztyle opera fantazy

Diz project will nevah get finished

I mean, it is certainly possible…

My Weiner Blutt Godo tribute took around 9 months


I think it took me about seven years to write my piano concerto and I’ve still not orchestrated the last movement.


hand diztribution tipz :
play all da inztrumentz with RH
play 10/2 with LH




hahahahaha da zkep vil KEEP DIZ IN MIND. 10-2 in LH iz pozz lezz dauntin dan it zound. da TM zoft-commit (prior to mozt recent TM-zkep feud zo unclear if ztill on da table) to at leazt a CG zight-rape zo tiz him u tortah wiz diz idea

harzhly falze, da zkep hath put too much mental effort in already

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dayum homie den u zhud finizh dat zheeyat! zhow uz 8)


hahahahaha da zkep vil KEEP DIZ IN MIND. 10-2 in LH iz pozz lezz dauntin dan it zound. da TM zoft-commit (prior to mozt recent TM-zkep feud zo unclear if ztill on da table) to at leazt a CG zight-rape zo tiz him u tortah wiz diz idea

ahahahah da ZKEPTO pre-zeppet undahztandin of da 88 world a bit :sunglasses:

Da FEZTCONC in solo 88 form

(sheet muzic subsequently revised as I’d not proofread it prior to making dis vid)

Da 3rd movement (14.00) da mozt interezting n FURIOUZ imo.


diz CHOPZON 2 style texture in da thumbnail

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Haha I prefer dis :pimp: ztyle texture


Der nachtliche Zug vibes tru

ahahahahah TRU diz, da diez iranuz n triztan appearancez a bit zeamlezz, ovahall wikid n tru i agree wiz 20-25minz bein da perfect tymin fo large zcale multi-mvmt workz today :sunglasses:

da zepp alzo writin a random 88 cunc rite now, zo far tiz zoundin lyk

a chill ztroll thru a

chill univerze :sunglasses:


da zkep eagah fo da cold zepp critiquez az he begin poztin zecz, vil ztart on da 26th wiz da actual write-up but da intro almozt completely finizhed in da zkep head. juzt not 100% zure on how to tranz da timp intro to da clarinet+ztringz frum da act 4, all da othah tranz n effectz worked out. juzt a few little pazzagework lickz to impro in da ztring accomp part

newun haff da Stokowski verzion zheetz? zum extra little bitz in dat verzion dat wud be nice to zee, ezpecially da harp zheeyat

edit: aktually da zkep vil do diz for dat 1zt tranzition: go into zum ROCKY prel 32-10 bazz rollahz fo juzt a couple bar, den typical pimp tranzition up to middle regiztah + zoften ven da chord begin to progrezz, den quickly into high-regiztah tinklezheeyat leavin da melody between da firzt two regiztah. diz work naturally fo clarinet range az a bonuz. direct trannyzheeyat on diz pazzage wud zound too abrupt

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Jus unleash each sect bit by bit?

tru dat da plan, giff y’all tym to critique n zuggezt revizion vile mah-bad-zelf work on da next wun. da intro + prodigo + 1zt dance vil all cummah at wunce zince dey 98% worked out already. only da annoyin Finale program gunna zlow da zkep down on dat

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Inputting sheeyat into da cumbersome music notation software is the WORST

I hand write all my sheeyat

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da zkep hath written whole orcheztral zheeyatz in da Finale in da pazt n ztill dreadin dat part da mozt

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My cheap ass used Da Muse Score (piece of SHIT)

The ONLY upside imo is when you can cut and paste figuration (eg a similar pzzg being doable as a transposition).

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