da ZULTAN unleazh da moz WTF chop BAL1 evah

Arrived today - it’s a bit of a beast!


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Jealous - it’s released any day here too.

And this is definitely the thread to discuss it in

Nice bump :slight_smile:

I don’t have time to get stuck in today, but a quick skim suggests it’s as good as we would expect from Walker. Finally a decent companion to the Chopin Man & Musician essays which Walker edited (fuck, really?) fifty-two years ago.

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It wouldn’t be da MODERN SDC without da random bumps :dong:

Tru, I’ve read a little over a quartah ov da book, tiz quite good so far.
If you like da Liszt, you gonna like diz

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Is there an epub available for purchase? Otherwise, I’ll have to order it and get it shipped to my parents’ house.

Almost surely, I’m considering getting one myself actually to give this e-reader thing a serious try.

Da kindle my dudes.


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Nice! I finished reading it a week or so ago. It made me realise that I don’t actually like Chopin as a person, though he’s not as bad as Wagner.

I cheated a little with Chris’ ebook too, but only up to he was 12 or so. Really looking forward to start reading it for real, even if it’ll be towards the end of the month since this is meant as a Christmas present.

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