how old were u wen u recorded diz
diz iz very good playin
i haff to say i enjoy ur piecez more dan ur improv, u haff very controlled n intelligent interps. cud u pozt more recz?
i predict a gensui future fo yo
lookin forward o da chormatical furygallop
I hope so, but there are 15,676,132,431,23,123,2344,234,454,548,6,0000 other gyuys that can play lyk me, or bettah…
It will be a hard batle to win.
hardah battle meanz u will come out a bettah fightah
Good playing.
I liked how you played the slow section, it has a very even left hand.
Good job, trumofo.
I lyk how da ORGY playz da whole thing
post the Galop, please.
damn…there is no chance for me den…an 18 year old who started playing 2 years ago…
how long have u been playing trumofo???
i wish i started playing when i was 2…there is no chance for me…
oh yea, I am gonna be an undergrad for piano in the fall…there will be hell to pay if I ever wanna catch up to the other penizes in da uni…
I am seriously considering selling my soul to da devil…i know u guys r thinking MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA FUCKCKCKCKCK DA GENSUI…but I am serious…either praxtice 24 hrs a day for 4 years, or sell my soul to da devil…
Don’t sell your sould to the devil, practice honstly, and you can achieve anything.
FUCK…I am an 18 year old who has been playing for 2 years!
- Good instruction
- Good practice
- Hard work
—> with these things you can become a competent pianist. Only limit is talent. Good luck.
good luck to u too!!! wow…wut a coincidence!
I’ve learned to invest in a good day job.
your avter is quite humorous,
the dog in the jacket. hehe
what a gay post.
lmao owned