Explanation of Barrere's Schumann Toccata unleasehing...

“The story goes that when Barere was ready to record the Schumann, he was asked by Victor what he would use as a filler on the 2nd side. After all, the fabulous technician Josef Lhevinne had made a Victor recording of the Toccata in 1928, and did not get it on one side of the 78-rpm disc. Barere laughed. He said that he could easily get it on one side, and he did.” :bar:

—from Horowitz, His Life and Music, by Harold C. Schonberg.

Haha! dats rite.

I believe this is from that same book: “Mr Barere, why do you play the Schumann Toccata so fast?”

:bar: “Hahaha, I can play it much faster than that!”

fuck i need to hear thiz recording :bar:


pwned :bar:




HAHAHA i wonder if da :wood: can match da girth of da BARRITZAH in dat song. 8)

sadly, no

any vaggin rec of diz sheeyat ??


HAHAHAHAHA Lhevinne plays it better. :whale: