Fatty Labs™ - software track

Hahaha da dubious upsampling cummah pozz

daim each time I have evil idea somebody got it befo

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Da Knar in the alien language that runs this thing (i believe they worship a snake god?) does it make sense for me to upload 96khz stuff in there or does it just immediately resample to 44.1 or 22?

if samplerate!=22050:
data=scipy.signal.resample(data, int((22050 / samplerate )*len(data))+1)

don’t forget to re-execute cell
alzo may explode

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I think model will think diz very zlow and low pitch muzic

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I am noodling with the ho hung rapper. This clean enough noise off I can start to kind of EQ it. Hmmm I will eat candy bar and noodle with it this afternoon.

The ideal state. I create composite of AI plus manual transfer methods. It no out and out subtractive of noise but let me know where to cut its amplitude smarter.

We need to pixelate Suzu’s uncensored porn


Fuck! I do a mix together of my version and the AI cleaned one. Woh!!!


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For comparison, my cleaned version which I spent a fair amount of time on.

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I like yours better. I wish I hadn’t messed up that cartridge. I had it customized then floated the whole thing in sorbathane so the 78 style vibrations would be handled a bit better.

I did a lot of manual work on it though. Iirc I went through it exhaustively removing spots with crackles and ambient noises after doing the initial izotope denoise.

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It’s gorgeous! I got no patience for software.

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I love both the piece and Hofmann’s playing of it.

Randomly da feztin interp of dis tranny surface!

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This tranny is a gem. the way the hoff have that melody pop out without tone going sour always get me. Until then you don’t realize that bastard poss playing all shades of piano with more control than most mofos got in MF.

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The fucked up thing is how little of his huge rep got documented

oooooh! Piano in there now!

This guy not done apparently. Fuck… This poss outclass 99% of stuff and take no time. So glad somebody doing this instead of using this technology to find tumors in MRIs or something gay.

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I finally start to read their papers. They def lurking sdc peeps. Poss winklevoss them for a portion of all the money they lose on this.

Maybe they can put melo out of business.

There is some work there for freqency reconstruction that could be amazing for acoustic recs. K-nar stay close with these people, let them know I’ll buy them weed if they make everything easy to use and free.