Favourite Scarlatti Sonatas and Recordings?

Share some of your favourite sonatas - particularly ones you feel are lesser played.

And where do your tastes land when it comes to Scarlatti performances?

My favourite Scarlatti pianists are - Horowitz, Cziffra, Pletnev, Michelangeli, Pogorelich, Sudbin.

Are there others I should look out for? I particularly enjoy colourful Scarlatti that uses the full range of colour a piano can bring but I also enjoy more restrained Scarlatti like Michelangeli when it’s done with such elegance, control and panache.

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There are just too many of them… and in all honesty I’m not sure I’ve ever heard a bad Scarlatti sonata.

It’s easier with pianists. I have to say my favourite Scarlatti pianist is Pletnev. I still keep returning to his Virgin twofer, and it just never feels worn or outdated. Fresh, snappy, endlessly inventive, and right in the clear and elegant style I want from music in the genre. Behind him is Pogo’s furiously brilliant and not seldom mesmerizing Scarlatti, followed lastly by the romantic serenity of Horowitz. I actually don’t need any others.

Consider Cziffra also.

Dun like him

I’m actually not a huge fan of Scarlatti. I think I like maybe 6 or so of the sonatas.

I adore Scarlatti!

You already mentioned my favorites Scarlattians: Pogorelich, Pletnev, Sudbin, Horowitz… I would add Gilels to that list as well. Dubravka Tomsic also plays well apparently, but I didn’t hear that disc. Also Argerich’s unbeatable Toccata.

I recommend to Scarlatti fans to listen amazing harpsichordist Pierre Hantai - he had DASDC approved furry!

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Oh man. Wtf.

Gilels, Horowitz, but also more unknown pianists such as da Nina Milkina

Then Maria Tipo

Also Carlo Zecchi

a bit :icon_stopw_sdc_473:

ahahah zheeeyat!

da HENTAI :sunglasses:

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Haha da natural nick!

Basically, Scarlatti best

In midi form? :sunglasses:

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Hell, since this thread had me revisit Pletnev/Virgin today I’ll drop some suggestions anyway. But there are dozens more I like (almost) every bit as much.

Rarely played:
K.387 (Plet)
K.487 (Pogo)
K.491 (VH)
K.531 (VH)

Often played:
K.8 (Pogo)
K.13 (Pogo)
K.24 (Plet)
K.27 (ABM)
K.29 (ABM)
K.113 (Plet)
K.119 (Pogo)
K.450 (Pogo)

K. 427 Bartok!!!

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That one too!

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