for doze who hate me

i dont give a fuck :whale: :chop: :comme:

tru i iz married and bettah dan you

and randomly im gonna b a fathah thiz august …


i nevah hated u

HAHAHHH congratz zupah

vill u pozt da wedding night pictures az well :ho: :ho:

Congrats on the marriage. :slight_smile:

PS: this doesn’t make me like you any more. :rectum:

hahahahhahahaha :pimp:

Tru congrats!

But wtf, why get married at 19 when dere are so many hoes dat need to be zupafied?



Zupah u muz make tha ROB tha godfatha of yo baby tho tru :rock:

HAHAHAHAh da gangztahbitch afro of da applebomb

randomly, shes ugly as helland her smile scares the hell outta me. but rezpec to her for being married to da doc.

hahahaha you got married because she’s preggo

lol i was expectin more sdcian comments.
however. da Rob u be da zpeed godfathah
da zubwoofa y u hate married ppl?
jre , i hope ur not talking bout me wife
volodya , go to and den get membership for only 3 steinways/month and get all da vidz and pix dere.

hahha he iz talkin about da :doc: wife

u iz a cute couple fo sho, but i can only afford 2 zteinwayz per month :comme:

haha no i wasnt. i was referring to da doc’s wife obviously.

I randomly got married way before all of ya’ll 8)

And me and the wifey are still going at it 8)

id bone u both

@supah: haha, no da topic said “fo doze who hate me”, so i basickly said “respec, but i don’t like you personally any more”. twaz a bit of a jest. :wink:

haha…alundra…bravo. :smiling_imp:


fuck stop tryin to get attention

dude, seriously, you need help. go see a counselor or something. and remember: this is only a fucking forum!