if i had to study medicine id study in the us , if petrol engineering it would be the middle east but i study piano in Poland in Gdansk actually in the same semi-cathedral da Blechacz iz ztudying ! haha
btw , my mom was born in Poznan
well the music academy is random like other polish academies tho its bit different whereas everywhere they teach good music in the fresh year. in Poznan they start with mephisto waltz and brahms and schumann zonatas and ginastera znatas for the first semester of the studies. but sick but wtf.
but i guess you mean the school for talented children. there is this thing pity lot of talented young dudes go fucked after finishing this school and entering the academy there because of the way they learn to treat music like i mentioned before
derez a certain category of occupations which cannot be ordered in terms ov difficulty, fo people who are engaged are able, n even urged, to push da standards to da extent ov deir abilities. in such occupations da state ov da art iz determined by da limits ov human ability. examples are sciences n arts.
alzo dere are “jobs”, to practice which you must meet a certain set ov qualificationz, n which haff no room for gensui inventiveness or insane skill. fo instance, if you’re a lawyer, you know your law, n you cant lyk make revolutionary accomplishments due to sheer gensui of skill.
derefore tiz pointless to say something lyk “music iz hardah than physics” but u can compare certain accomplishments in dese fields, u could say “recieving a university degree in music iz hardah dan getting one in physics.” but den u bettah specify which school. getting a degree in music from jailyard vs degree in physics from a low class random school and getting a degree in music from a random school vs physics from mit are completely different stories.
wut i iz tryin to say iz dat diz topic iz a bit sheeyat.