Fuck all you bitches

I noticed diz easteregg wen watchin da dvd of dis thread


hahahaha what wuz da original request

hilariouzly, even tho i am ADMINIZTRATAH, i cannot view wut hiz original mezzage wuz

sumthing like

“Post all your Cziffra recordings and videos here. Upload with this www.yousendit.com


hahahahhhahaha, da MULE



what the fuck is this…

i never posted anyof this

and I sure as hell didnt make a request for cziff…especially like that

i take it some mod does not like me very much to edit all my posts to this sheeyat

also notice how first post is from jun 2005 and I joined in august 2005

im confused

identity theft…wtf :cry:

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Must have been when the member directory went wonky. I think I posted a couple under Jackson or something. 8)

haha omg… note the initial quote is of mkaykov…yet the post shows me as the poster

i do not like to be confused with the most infamous of sdc whores

if I wasnt me…this would be a rather cg thread

but alas I am me…and this is rather humiliating

it should be deleted

Randomly, I got random PMs from da Grim ,right after I registered, calling me “princess” or some shit like that. WTF? Haha da gheyness.

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This Epic THEAD!!!

Started by da mkaykov, da first TRUMOFO accunt evah!

Haha June 30, 2005… tru, likely da day dat da TRUMOFO discovahed DA SDC…
And, ahem, started off on da wrong foot 8)

Haha I remember where you posted a pic with your mamochka.
And lets nor forget the infamous candain vids.

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hahahaha tru!

and dat infamous GIF


Hah Diz thread

Hahahaha i was a bit triggered

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hahahahaha fuckkkk, da MADAME!!!

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