Fuck K-Nar, animal porn is allowed and da Fuhrer isn't, wtf?

Cum on, be a good girl and sort it, wud ya…

where’s da bestiality ??? haha randomly cg

I know ya luv da fuhrer and yuv got yar own private collection, so wtf…bring back ma avatar…dere’s something not fuckin kosher about dis whole biz…


check your rank

Wtf this is the thanks I get for promoting da SDC wit all da pimps and perverts in da land, givin da SDC free promotion wit da Aryan Nation, White Power, countless porn sites, National Front, even in da local synagogue…

Cum on, wtf happened to freedom of speech?

This goes against everything da founding father Comme stands for. Fuck being banned from da SDC is real serious sheeyat. What happened to the principles fury and sheeyat? Has da sdc turned pussy?

Anyway I have an alternative rankname:
Da fuhrer cometh


I C, you’ve been disowned from your own site…wtf, chopinfiles has taken over da sdc, what’s the world cumin to?

Irony has it that da sdc is the only site that I’ve ever been banned from…

randomly i sympathize wiz da cunt 8)

da cunt:

we iz hozted on a french servah rite now
n if any of da frenchiez c da pic of da hitlah, da servah vill be clozed in no time.
hope u underztand, randomly.

hahaha a pathetic country indeed

in addition,

in sdc, CG cumz before hate

you c, your posts are high on latter and quite low on CG

some insane hate iz fine only if itz matched by itz CG

so, you haff two choicez:

either you perfect your CG or you cut diz shit out

Actually my cg is better than yar boring ass…
fuck you hung sung, fuck da sdc

daim im gonna stand up fo da cunt, hes a genius, stop picking on him yeah

ha, i second thiz, randomly :comme:

hahahahahha fuckkkk
wondah how diz wud go

oh fuck it please … da cunt iz a cunt … undahztand ???

hahaha, undahztand 8)

no animal porn please. or atleast keep it to threads explicetaly labeled as containing it. it doesn’t bode well when my mom walks in and seez a big horse cock on da screen.

“I wuz looking fo a richter vid”
“yeah,k. now u gettin 2 psych appointments a week”

:whale: :rock: :whale: :whale: :whale: :whale: :whale: :whale: :whale: :whale: :whale: [size=200]COMIC GENSUI[/size]