guezz it
1.mp3 (16.1 KB)
2.mp3 (11.6 KB)
3.mp3 (25.4 KB)
4.mp3 (11.9 KB)
5.mp3 (9.41 KB)
1 pimp 1
2 ondine
5 thcaik 2
3 goldberg var 24
4 pictures at an exhibition?
ps: great guess with the Tchaik, rob.
4 chop 25/10
(nice of u to keep ur mp3 tags in a couple of these…)
- pimp 1
- gaspard - ondine
- goldberg 24
- ??
- ??
no.5 is abit too tough.
provide more hint.
is no.4 Bach golden-biatch variation no.24 also?
Uh, 4=bach?!
And 5 is indeed too tough, unless u coincidentally just heard that piece or sth
the last two clips could have come from LOTS of pieces. at least provide more than a second next time, or preferably a more distinguishable clip.
hahaha lyk i said #5 iz tchaik 2…i iz not guezzin…juz declaring
without even hearin tha 88 tiz tha CUDA at tha 88 alzo
EDIT: pozzibly mah cockinezz vil catch up to me on thiz one
hahaha da fuckin 5!
I wud zay da 4 cummah from da ORAGE
or wud I ?
Tiz true. Respec!
Tha other two are da chopet and goldbitch indeed!
Next tym da quiz vil be mo difficult
da 5th is indeed tch2
3rd mvt
hahahaha I feel zince i guezzd tha mozt right i vil do tha next one
who vil git thiz one? titl n compozah required
Wut iz it? I haf no idea
Lightspeed - Matthew Hinson.
1: … AC7BE33E76
2: … 521C32A759
ahahaha rezpec
ahahaha fuck i haf no clu but i vil guezz tha lazt peniz iz
Pianist - Barere.
here’s a better clue:
some Skriabin sheeyat?
Petrouchka ?