Guys I need your help

I am still struggling to get the bartok in sync. I’ll explain the whole process so far:

First I ripped the DVD using FabDVD.
Then I used the .IFO in autogk, which produced an AVI file containing everything that I had recorded on the DVD.

On the DVD there were a number of selections in the menu, the andsnes doc was the first (i.e the first thing I recorded on the DVD) and the Bartok 2 was the 3rd. Now in the AVI it combined all these menu choices into one avi file. The Andsnes (i.e the first selection in the DVD menu) is perfectly in sync. Everything else however, is not.

So I went to virtual dub and split the files so that the Andsnes and the Bartok2 were separate.

Then I opened up the bartok, which was out of sync. I went to audio, interleaving and by a trial and error approach worked out that the audio was 3750 MS ahead of the vid, and so I entered this into the box. When I play it back in Virtual Dub it is now perfectly in sync.

Next, I went save as AVI (in direct stream mode), as say Bartok_test.

However when I went to play the file in WMP the audio is now waaay behind the video, whereas it had been in sync when I adjusted it in Vdub. When I open Bartok_test in Vdub, it is no longer in sync. I have tried many different permutations of the process but am still unable to “save” my results, I found that not playing the file continuously in VDub (eg, skipping forward with the slider, or stopping the play back after I realise it is in sync), seems to muck around with the adjustment. Yet, despite battling with this for like 4 days, I am still unable to figure it out.

Can anyone see anything wrong in what I am doing?

when u check the ‘real process’ u gotta save and check OUTSIDE the Vdub

the Vdub playback is often non-accurate.

so the checking process u are doing, u have to check with WMP everytime (i know it’s pain in the ass, but i found that effective and accurate)

ok, i have tried that. But now, the video seems to be ‘racing’, it justs gets faster at some point then seems to go back to normal, but then starts to get faster. I had managed to time it such that the first chord was in sync but after maybe 20 seconds the video has already raced ahead of the audio (which seems to be playing in time).

pozzibly be sho to comprezz da audio at da zame sample rate az da original dvd (48khz) :lib:

i often find that when im using autogk directly on vob files, it fucks up the syn from the second vob on and getting worse everytime. For instance, if I have a VTS_1_01.vob and VTS_1_0x.vob in the same folder and I choose the first file alone, autgok will mend them together and spit out a joined rendition of those files, and then what happens is: in the precise moment of transition from file to file, the audio and video start getting out of sync. This has happened to me more than several times. What I do is do 1 vob at a time in autogk then later on just join them with VBub. Always remember to use CBR Audio also.

yes, this is good advice, but for some reason when I put the first Vob file in autogk, it comes up with a “no video stream found” error. About 5-6 minutes of the Bartok are in the first vob file, so I have not real option but to use the .IFO file.