haha fuck da random CG of da comme

One is such a lonely number says:
One is such a lonely number says:
Rob says:
Rob says:
im uploading tha THCREP concerto in c sharp minor
One is such a lonely number says:
hahaha randomly
Rob says:
hahah exactly
One is such a lonely number says:
One is such a lonely number says:
u plannin on settlin down n havin kidz?


wtf :comme:

hahahah a legendary mofo

HHAHAHHahahHAH fuck, da CG of diz :laughing:

hahahahhahaha daim

hahhahahahah tha :comme: iz tru

haha tru

now Rob answah da queztion 8)

a realiztic answah iz thati vil lykly hav kidz befo settlin down 8)


n settl down wit a chick who iz not their momma

pozzibly :pimp:

haha daim da fucked-up life plan :ho:

Haha fuck da girth of child support 8)

when u haff kidz ur game is over :laughing:

hahhaha tha mini-rob: 8)

hahahahaha da lonely Comme :comme: :comme: :comme: