hahaha da TZELYAKOV -a lezzon on how to promote yozelf


firzt, quote sum inzane reviewz:

“Alexander Tselyakov is, in a word, overwhelming. Just as at times it is difficult to believe one’s eyes, here it was difficult to believe one’s ears. What one was hearing was simply not possible.”

“What Alexander Tselyakov does at the piano would raise the roof of any concert hall… the way legendary pianist Vladimir Horowitz used to do.”

den state yo rezpecable REP, which includez:

complete chopetz, complete nigga concz, complete ROCK concz, complete TCHAIK concz,

n lazt but not leazt, show yo connexionz 8)


that guy on the right, he looks sexy :doc:

Ahahahaa, it’s da lipstick and turtleneck shirt sheeyat again. The picture would look better if you stuck in Kapustin between them.

haha i randomly met this russian mofo. He gave me a fuckin 3rd place that beeyatch :comme:

wow, dis mofo haz hungarian rapsodies too 8)

hahaha, but wuz iz diz


* Variations on a Theme of Paganini: dedicated to pianist Alexander Tselyakov

HAHAHAH u wuz fucked :comme:

ahahhahah da zepp.

-da Meph