so 3 weeks ago, i waz at a friendz houze juss hangin out n he waz writin his essay. i thot it waz a bit sheeyat so i told him to make it exitin by puttin sexual innuendo (teacha iz mildly attractive) n da fuckah wuld not.
when he left to go to da bathroom i added diz sentence:
“I was pleasured by the multiple climaxes of the story and the firm, well-rounded plot”
n modified diz zentence: [myadditions]
“When Jason [and his stiffy] drove past Caddy [and her boobs]”
Now da point waz: He wul figure it out when he waz gonna proofread da sheeyat.
Three weeks latah, today, i waz eatin mah lunch when da fuckah comez behind me n slapz me in da back of da head
Catz: WTF?
daFriend handz da catz da essay
next do da “jazon n hiz stiffy” waz circled n written “Textual evidence?”
unfohtunately da fuckah repohted mah name. lik any good human bein i decided i shud talk to da teacha. da thing iz, she doez not know me since i have anotha teacha.
daCatz: hi
daTeacha: uh, hi
daCatz: I iz brandon’z friend
daTeacha: ic. come in
daCatz: i apologize fo da immature sheeyat i wrote, i thot he wuld delete da sheeyat
daTeacha: hahah diz okay, it did not affect hiz grade, n it waz randomly mature of u to come see me. altho clazz waz a little bit akward aftah dat, now dat i no fo sho it’s okay.
daCatz: oh daym, i apologize
daTecha: diz not a big deal, randomly uzed to it.
daCatz: hahah i imagine, bye