Da lisbon Philharmonic society had managed to invite Liszt to a randum concert,

he arrive an houah late to the concert, stayed fo twenty minutes, left in that middle of a performance by one of lisbon’s prima donnas, and when some fockaz went to look where he had gone he waz found in the hallway readin a newspapah :whale: :whale:

hahhah wat a legend :pimp:

by newzpapah, u mean 21+ kinda newzpapah?


hahaha, da krit undahstandz mo dan da random liszt historians


da :pimp: knew da prog b4 hand n eztimated diz to be a 20min perf 8)

hahahh i wuz going to start mah own 88world pipmp gensui thread bu i uze this one inztead


pianoworld.com/ubb/ubb/ultim … 11858.html

:pimp: WUT!?!?!!

that thread is completely fuckin unlegendary

i pozted my reply :pimp:

tru…i posted it cuz of da CGWTFnezz :pimp:

Derelux is a hellacious asshat and should immediately remove his :ho: avatar.


one thing iz fo sure . liszt’s music and liszt’s way of playing muzic iz bit different we can’t judge da liszt’s chopin playing by saying hiz pc1 iz in Es-dur

AHAHah tha fuckin 88world… ahha tha mofo who try to inzult tha catz sayin " hahahah yo firzt pozt? y wud u try to argue wit me, a legnedary 88world titan. i vil enjoy demolizhing u zo u nevah pozt again"

what a tool

hahahahaha, a CG tool :ho:

unconcurd :doc:

hahaha diz fockah thot he waz pretty hilariouz

i haff to admit he waz

hilarioulzy retarded :whale:


what a fucking moron.

She is/was an absolutely amazing performer. Despite what you may think about her or her music, her performances were stunning. - Derulux. about Britney Spears


But just foh da rec: Liszt DID NEVER meet Beethoven. I got this from Alan walker`s bio wich is definite.

I think this is one of the best evidences dat Liszt was as good as people said:

Saint Saens: I had an almost god-like image of how Liszt would play. Yet when I heard him play it was as good and even more than all the stories of him tells. - Diz iz not an direct quote but just as I remembered it from the Alan Walker liszt bio

-da Meph

shorly da meph will agree: alan walkerz biogrpahy tiz gensui sheeyatz

indeed :ziff:

-da Meph

Yes, I love how derelux’s argument basically is that we’re supposed to take his dipshit word over the testimonies of legends like Debussy, Saint Saens, Berlioz, Wagner, etc.
What a douche.


hahahha hold on tho, he has 3000 posts and debussy hasnt even registered on da webzite, obviouzly hiz opinion haz mo worth :doc: