happy b-da u fuckah
daim i chatted with him and didnt know
Happy Birthday Koji!
we all shud go round him and offer him hand jobs…
OR, we can all just donate a ziffro…ur choice
many happy returnz
happy birthday.
Happy b-day!
daim, anodah one I forgot
you old basterd, are you as old as me? (Da Genie’s age)
I’m old, uh huh huh huh huh.
Happy birthday Koji!
btw, how does everyone know everybody else’s birthdays? I only know Comme (9 feb) and Zepp (randomly March i think) because dey iz near mine.
moi iz 3 dec…
haha da koji
haha there iz a wikid thing at da bottom of da main forum page, when it’z sum mofo’z birthday it appearz
haha da newb brew…
me haz a mozt wikid birthday
1st april, tru
haha i never scroll down dat far.
rezpec tha wood