hav u eva...

well hav u?

  • hell nah i lack the skillz
  • tru

0 voters

picked up a woman by playing the piano? me once. rach C# prelude did da trick in this one party…

hahaha tru 8)

tru. she wuz way too young fo mahbadself and once i got 10 sms on my cellphone and dat zcared me hahaha! :open_mouth:

Well no, because I AM female. Lol.
But I’d -love- it if my boyfriend could play the piano, if that counts.

A BIG BIG BIG reason my girl fell in love with me was cuz I play da 88…

she is also a musician and loves the piano…she plays da violin tho

hhahhaaha girlz iz juzt anti-mofo: uninterezted by da NPS (notes per second) of yo tech, n mildly seduced by da beauty of yo m*zic… :barcarolle-NA:

haha tiz tru. U haff to play sum soulful sheeyat to get dem. Altho sumtimez I opt foh both 8)

da camp iz da perfect chick-magnet piece for da truly orthodox SDz

SD-writing disguized in moizturized sheeeeyzt

i uzed tiz, tru.

hahahahha i’ve heard success storiez w/ da pimp lib#3

hahaha fuckkk da azzured suckcezz 8)