hi , im new here

hello, i found this site

i am mark, whats your name?


-The Mephisto

ok den
I’ll call u bob 8)

haha Bj(insert slashy o here)rn

like da ABBA

thanks for your friendly welcome :slight_smile:

Hmmm…I have to ask what you were looking for in Google when you found this place. Unless you was invited or a part of some piano forums, I dunno how you coulda found this place. In anycase, it seems that you have an appreciation for music, so that’s cool. Howevah, music is not enough! You must have CG (Comedic Genius), and fury! You seem to have no idea about the ways of fury, so you will have to study the topics up in hiyah, to get a better understanding.

I wonder what will come of you stay here (if you choose to do so); I have a feeling that you will become a tru mofo. 8)

yessah, Tha Man is correct, but…

i believe it is spelt…


O i c that youare from the pianoworld forums. That makes your presence less random, but your CG has yet to be revealed.

Hahaha I stand corrected by the Fury’s knowledge. But I’m not standing on my feet. 8)

i hope yo iz referrin to da outtake on da DVD of kung-pow : enter da cock

i could very well be. or not…? 8)

yeah, i found this site from the pianoworld forums…but i had no idea how stupid it was when i joined

what the fuck is funny?

very simple…

go to da forum marked Comedic Gensui

read it like it is your last will and testament

then we will talk

or alternatively - go screw yourself

twice in one day?

im not fuckin superman 8)

yeah, you are stupidman…

8) da hidden CG emerges 8)

datz rite 8)

now i iz startin to think you are an undercovah SD, show yourself 8)