in difficulty? i wanna learn one of these three, or da oda famous one dat i forgot te name lol, not the moonlight, or hammerkla, the other one…dat satrts with chords…fuckckckckckc
they iz all difficult
pozzibly tha tempezt iz a bit eaziah
appason- and half
hammer- and half
for random comparizon, mezz vingt regards no. 10 ( zung = )
no. 6 (bren = )
da pathetique…i would say its about da same as da tempest in terms of difficulty
In termz ov interp,
Asspassion > Wallstand > Tempezt
bit dependz
azz 1zt iz difficult and long but interp wise, it izn’t too bad
waldstein iz technically bit eazier, but to make it sound good, tiz quite hard
azz 2nd mov iz juzt longer and harder tru
da 3rd movz: azz iz definitely bit easier and shorter den waldstein in technique, in termz ov interp, dey are about zame
So I guess Im gonna learn da Tempezt? I just tried some of it from da sheet in the first movement and its not hard…i havent tried the third mov though…
the 1st movement is a bit trickey as well.
it’s quite easy to over play the notes (i.e. 1st page) and if u dont pay close attention to either LH or RH, u will misplace the notes. the 3rd mov is da highlight ov dis piece imo. even da G-man plays this well.
to quote beethoven: “If you want to know how to play this piece well, read the Tempest by Shakespeare”
zumthing lyk dat, pozzibly
Or read Mein Kampf by A. Hitler.
or pozzibly tiz:
hahahahaha DAIM rezpecable dob
tempest is pretty straightforward. azz 3rd iz crazy sheeyat. waldstein 2nd iz crazy sheeyat 2.
Tempest is just deceptively tricky,
unless you cheat (with fingering),
then it’s not hard at all.
My thumb is one of my weaknesses, so to get the left hand tremelos sounding precise is a bitch.