How fazt can u zcale?

How fazt can u zcale?

  • < 3 octavez / second (I vil quit da sdc n join da pianoforum)
  • 21 nps (3 octz/a sec)
  • 22 nps
  • 23 nps
  • 24 nps
  • 25 nps
  • 26 nps
  • 27 nps
  • 28 nps (4 octs/a sec)
  • 29 nps
  • 30 nps
  • 31 nps
  • 32 nps
  • 33 nps
  • 34 nps
  • 35 nps (5 octs/a sec)
0 voters

glizz n velocidick cheatz not allowed :rectum:
put ur metronome at 60 n c how many notes u can do wiz one hand in one second

dayum diz topic is harsh!

-da Meph

to be honest id truly make mo dan 3 octaves if i really didnt care whats the effect of this scale is … as im a person who really cares about moizt and so … i have to admit dat less dan 3 octs per second … but if its the liszt weekend at da zupah i might think of makin it faztah !

who da fuck playz zcalez?
nobody vil be imprezzed by yo 5 oct/z zcalez
at leazt not fo longer dan 5 zec


me’ll try 2morro
ov cuz me’ll play dem ZDC ztyle

hohoho :ho:

hiiiihihiihiii :whale:

hrm :chop:


iz dere a bettah way to tell objectively da RAW DEX ?

da RAW :rudy:

:rudy: : yep, da 10/2 8)

sadly da objectivity of da 10/2 iz fucked by da 2714 cheatz indexed today
pluz da random m*zicallity n othah superfluouz sheeyat dat sick mofoz haff inzerted in diz