ahahahha milf u muz rememba u iz goin to learn; tiz not a competition
one sheeyat that haz alwayz ztuck wit me iz when tha TURNIP (mah teacha) once told mahbadzelf, “Dun u worry about that comparizon sheeyat! Letz say tha iz here (he made a random meazurment off tha ground) n u iz here ( he made a conziderably lowah meazurement off tha ground), but then you go from here to here ( he raizd mah meazurment a bit higha but ztill far from ) that iz whut iz truly legendary n whut thiz sheeyat iz all about u fuckah!”
or sum sheeyat lyk thiz…pozzibly it didnt ztick wit me az much az i thought, but that wuz tha basic sheeyat of it
haha … dayum diz Rob comparizon , i dun give a fuck , some friends of mine are way bettah but they just dont look thiz pianistically retarted az da ho.
da Zupah iz a third year ztudent in tha academy and i iz ztarting me way off to da competitionz haha who knoez…