How to get the percussive precision in runs

observe… the high runs

in order to achieve the percussive and perfect/equal finger attack that Volodos gets, do you practice slowly, with high articulation, and full tone? Or just strike articulately with a percussive staccato, and focus on equality? Do you practice up to speed in small chunks focusing on it, or slowly with high articulation? … what do you do …


P.S. I have done it slowly with high articulation and full tone sharp quick attack… found that it helps greatly but I haven’t tried other methods.

Method prax + into the fallboard.


gotta love his facial expressions


you mean push all the way down?

BASICally first u hav to practise various finger exercises, in order to make ur fingers strong yet flexible. preferabally scales n arppegios.
then once u made it, try to use ur whole arms to play d run instead of just fingers. I MEAN link ur energy through ur whole arm, n not juz focus on ur fingers. it feels like a shiver in ur arms, but the shivers r under control.
n when playing t run, ur wrist also hav to be very flexiblee.


:brotha: THX

wut is meant by volodo? i was talking bout da octave attack

if u mean s choromatic run, wut i do is practice with everything acceented. n practice with different rhythm as well

doez ne on haff tha PDF fo tha :pimp: LA LEGGERIZSHEEYAT?

