tiz tru tiz tru
hopefully i can snatch up internet connetion, oterhwise i am out for a month.
tiz tru tiz tru
hopefully i can snatch up internet connetion, oterhwise i am out for a month.
da NORTH corea???
hahaha wish me luck mofoz
hahaha rezpec
letz make a bet
I bet u can’t take a pictchah of urzelf in front of an official monument wiz diztshirt
hahhaha FUCK
i dun think i can take pictures any where near da solidiers
ive been to worse placez
i bet 1,000 ziffros for da permaent adsence of da tony.
that is so cool.
respec tony . uh, enjoy?
da random wtf
iz u worry da Kim Joon-eww is gonna stick a nuclear bomb up ur ?
iz u goin to perform ther? u shud lighten up their grey world wit tha pyzchadelic colourz of tha jezuz regard # 10… altho pozzibly tiz illegal to open peoplez mind lyk in that clazzic Zimpzon’s scene wher they haf to wear school uniformz, but then it ztarts raining and all theze trippy colourz ztart showing up tru
“Musical innovation is full of danger to the state, for when modes of music change, the laws of the state always change with them”.
-Plato tru
- tiz tru tiz tru
hopefully i can snatch up internet connetion, oterhwise i am out for a month.
hahaha unlykly. But seriously, have fun, if that is at all possible. Bring back some nuclear sheeyatz for da SDC bomb squad.
letz make a bet
I bet u can’t take a pictchah of urzelf in front of an official monument wiz diz tshirthahhaa i vill ordah diz shirt
HAHAHHAH da fuckt up quotebox again
i iz lerning…zlowly
hahaha diz pozzibly my lazt pozt… chill
Ooh…I’ve always wanted to visit a Stalinist hell-hole…
Good luck. Try to take lots of pictures. Have a safe and happy journey.
iz u goin to perform ther? u shud lighten up their grey world wit tha pyzchadelic colourz of tha jezuz regard # 10…
da return to da motherland
knar check diz IP
anyway can’t post much, i iz wasting my money to get diz accezz