

pianostreet.com/smf/index.ph … #msg134418


haha da poco pozzibly. and rezpec tha 47 gensui.

hahha check the off topic board. daim dat iz some gensui degeneration since i last looked at it. save me jebus.

pianistimo is mader than ever.

-da Meph

you’re right she’s a nutter, and so are those other clueless fafos. honestly, there can’t be any other explanation.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH diz wuz tinged wiz CG

zhorly!! 8)

hahahahahahaAHAHhahahahahahahahh tha profound 47 haff hiz zay on tha mattah 8)


pianostreet.com/smf/index.ph … 843.0.html

hahahahha fuck i hope u iz now pazzd diz ztage fuck :whale:

hahahr andomly da rocky n thaick cheezinezz iz y dey iz neithah on mah top 5 compozahz lizt. mzik that zimply aimez to incite emotion iz cheap mzik :nu-age: Obviouzly da rock n thaick m*zik iz not all lyk diz, which iz y i thinkd ey iz ztill great compozahz/

hahaha catz u fuckah

dey iz powahful n movin

n tru ztill zumtymz make da comme a bit :cry: :whale:

da tchaik trio iz fucking gensui.

hahahahha da comme

u iz juz a moz random of mofoz


ranodmly, if u cry during performing, den datz a sign of a sheeyat penis

Horowitz live in Moscow is included then.

8) :ho: