if u cud take one maztahclazz

a maztahclazz wiz…

  • da RUDY on da 10/2
  • da SHRIMP on oct playing
  • da DONGAH on interpretation of late brotha sonz
  • da DOC on da 10/2
  • da LIB on concert promotion techz
  • da WHALE on LH chopgodz
  • da ORGY on sucking dick
0 voters

which wud it be 8)

Da Rudy cheats, so no
Da shrimp probably only take female in his masterclass and have them do the octaves for him, so no.
Da dongah probably soiled himself and randomly moan and ejaculate on stage, so no.
Da Doc on 10/2 might be helpful.
Da Lib concert promotion = 7/1000 = 0.7% attendance, no.
Da whale on LH chopgodz, he probably sweats so much and drown everyone there, so no.
Da Orgy probably throws herself to all da young cock there, and I am one of them, so no.

One thing about da Doc
YOu probably has to play da totally inverted version of da 10/2, that is LH ChopGod with inverted original LH chord on the right hand
Or even worse, do da chromatique on both hand.
Or even worse, da Triple etude.

Da zepp shamelessly voted for da Rudy just to cover up da fact da Rudy cheats in da recording and doesn’t want him to look bad.

Da shameful cock 8)

tiz not tru.

n pluz, da DOC maztahclazz on a 10/2 wud lazt 2 secondz cuz he cud only teach da firzt bar 8)

not pozzibly

he wud demostrate da RH passage with his LH.

We all know where da Orgy got her LH octave skill.

tiz tru 8)

hahahaha, i vote fo da DONGAH

but u would haff to learn a late brothah son 8)

but wud it not be mo CG if i choze not to learn 1, n den show up, n get to c da ANGRY DONGAH unleash upon ma azz?

:dong: :comme:


you make it sound az if not learnin a late brothah sonata

iz a choice for you


i took doctah’s 10/2

diz choice showz u probably haff a defective stopwatch 8)

HAHAHAHAHAH ma official goldplated :stop: dat haz juzt pazzed da 2005 warrant of fitnezz clockz da DOCz 10/2 at 2 secz flat 8)

how does the rudy cheat?

Da shrimp!!!

he duznt. da RUDY playz all da notez. da only thing suzpect about da legendary 1min rec iz da pozzible exiztence of splicez (ie. itz not done in one take)

da jeff iz obviouzly confuzing da RUDY wiz da CG CHEATAH 8)

you mean da :comme: ??

Who is da Brotah?

-The Mephisto