im aback

hahahahhr randomly

i didnm’t quite expect diz but shiiiiit

but average fo a korean 8)

tiz tru 8)

is this really that impressive(I am not familiar with the amaerican school system)

How many people get greads like that?

-da Meph

and where the fuck are alexander techniques !!!

da percentile had clearly stated only less than 1% of people get tiz.

da difference on da math level… tru

HAHAH Holy shit. Mad Respec. Randomly I got a 790 on the verbal, and and 710 on the math when I took it a couple of years ago. Where do you plan to go with those scores?

around 100 people get it every year in world i think

congratz, I thought SATs was only for americans (that is kids in american schools) not for ppl in foreign countries, is this like your university admissions tests or something? Do you sit a yr 12 exam like the IB or HSC?


Canada iz da best country to study for foreign students imo.

da DOC randomly dropped out of highschool…tiz tru

u and paul wee iz one of them.

paul wee received 1590 out of 1600 i believe

o yez u are right

da old SAT

wit rezpec but i believe da american examz act , sat , etc… are fuckin shitty and too easy … (with total rezpec!) and you can take them in every american themed school in da middle east … da algerian and zyrian and ex-iraqi exam are the mozt difficult onez in da world , approved by unesco or so

haha daim that is a leet score mang

The hardest pre-U exams in the world include the HKALE (Hong Kong A-levels), Singaporean A-levels, and Malaysian STPM.

Interestingly, the HKALE is harder than the UK one even though it was modelled after it. :laughing:

Yes, the American exam is super easy, but to be within the top 1% of all examinees is not easy.

What is Paul Wee studying now?

hey you an aussie? which state? :astonished: