intahview wit tha DOC at tha HENLE orfice

:doc: :doc: :doc:

hahah tru only 2 minutez in, letz c whut he haz to zay about tha rocketz :rock: 8)

lookz lyk he hazn’t zlept in 2 weekz

hahaha tru zo far in tha 39/4 n 39/9 tha DOC zuggeztion are both robbah approvd :gav:

hahahah fuck tha DOC hintz that rockyzon1 might be added to tha rep! :whale:

tru i vil fork out tha 40? dollahz to git thiz rocketz edition :stop:

aaahhhaha tru tha doppelbaggahz undah tha eyez; even tha doc face zkin haff wikid tech 8)

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AHHAA near tha end tha DOC ambiguouzly zuggezt d/l’in zheetz off tha intahnet…right in front of tha prezident of legit zheet m*zic :doc: :doc: :doc:


diz random jezture made much mo legendary by da ROB zcript :sunglasses:

haha dayum juzt noticed da ROBBAH “office” zpellin in da title

nice shoutout to lyapunov

did anyone get these editions? worth it?

tru i got theze; definitely worth it n they cummah wit tha bonuz d minah n cminah unreleazd etz’ :rocky:
tha zchirmah edition i’ve had wuz ztartin to fall apart
~30 candain dollahz i think

Haha da 3 yr delay

What are the unreleased etudes?

hahaha tha dminah one that ztartz wit tha melodic 5thz in unizon n tha zl*w c minah one that ztartz wit tha zcalez into tha dottd rhythm chordz n endz in c majah :doc:


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He probably learnt a couple of brotha concs

Dat morning :sunglasses: